Friday, August 17, 2012

Are You Ready?

I am getting excited about school beginning MONDAY!!! Parents, you are more than welcome to walk your children in the first day of school. Also, the PTO has invited the Kindergarten and 1st grade parents to a "Boo-hoo, Yahoo!" breakfast. This will be in the PTO room, which is right across the hall from my classroom. If anyone is interested in being on the PTO to help and volunteer at school, please let them know!

A few things to remember:
·         Please send forms and supplies to school the first day if you haven't already.
·         Don't forget a backpack with your child's name written on it.
·         Lunch Money amounts have changed for this year: Lunch-$1.95, Breakfast- $1.25 and Visitors Lunch- $4.25, Breakfast- $1.75

I have added a few pictures of the room below to get your child excited about Monday! Have a GREAT weekend and I will see you Monday morning!

Are you ready to BLAST OFF into FIRST GRADE??? I am :)

We have a whole shelf and wall
(black and blue board above) dedicated to MATH/ AMSTI!

This corner above is the Reading, Grammar, and Language Art side of the room.

So, exciting to see the Promethean Board up! Especially since we had training yesterday- now I know how to do all sorts of fun and exciting lessons with it!